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您的位置:化工網(wǎng)首頁(yè) > 專家 > 劉志平高級(jí)工程師 > 研究成果
  • 研究成果

Completed National Research

專家姓名:劉志平  類別:

1、Zhiping liu,“Preparation and study on the color sensitive film agent—a new stabilizer”,1995;
2、Zhiping liu,“Preparation and study on the color sensitive film agent—a new anti-fogging agent”,1995;
3、Zhiping Liu,Huangweipeng etc,Potassium iodide is oxided with chlorine to combine potassium iodate and potassium chloride,China Torch Program,2005;
4、Zhiping Liu,Huangweipeng etc,Synthesis of 3-carboxymethyl rhodanine by phase transfer catalyst,The national new products program,2005。
5、Zhiping Liu etc,High-efficient solid-liqud separation technology for production of food additives,China Spark Program,2006。
6、Zhiping Liu etc,Antidepressants Citalopram Hydrobromide,The national new products program,2006。
